How long is a day of daycare?
Please drop your dog off between 7-9am and pick them up between 4-6pm. There will be a late fee of $20 for late pick-ups.
How do you handle drop off and pick up safely since the pandemic?
We have found it is safer for clients and staff to transfer dogs in our parking lot. When you pull up, a staff member will meet you at our front “air-lock” fence. If there are other clients at the fence, please social distance until others move back to their car. We have found that this method is very efficient during our busy drop-off and pick-up time. We can get you on your way with little wait time!

Do I get to see the inside of the facility?
Absolutely! We invite you to see the inside of the facility on your dog’s evaluation day. We tour the main area where the dogs board and nap. We can show you our outdoor play are on our internal cameras. For safety reasons, we do not allow clients in the play areas where the dogs are actively playing.
My dog is exhausted after daycare! Is this normal?
The first of couple times your dog attends daycare he will come home very tired and lay around for a couple days. This is normal. There is a lot of mental and physical stimulation during the day that your dog may not be used to. He may experience sore muscles from play and sore feet from running on our play surface. With routine visits, they toughen up!
Do I need a reservation?
We appreciate that you call ahead to tell us you are coming. Similarly, please call at least 24 hours ahead if you cannot make it. It helps us staff appropriately.

Arriving on leash.
Please bring your dog into the building on a leash. There may be other dogs in parking lot. When we take your dog from you to go into the play area, we will ask them to sit at the door. It is good manners practice and it helps promote calm entry into our play group.
Can my dog still come if he has the sniffles?
Please do not bring your dog to daycare if he is showing any of the following symptoms: coughing, sneezing, infections of any kind including eye, ear and wound, vomiting and diarrhea, or lethargy. This is an open play environment and there is a lot of dog-to-dog contact. We take every precaution to keep our environment sanitary and clean, but like a human daycare, viruses can spread. If your dog shows any of the above symptoms, we will remove him from the group and call you.

Do I need to bring food?
Most puppies under the age of 6 months still enjoy a noontime meal. We have found that most adult dogs will not eat a meal in the middle of the day. If your dog has specific dietary needs, we can certainly accommodate.
How often should my dog attend daycare?
For regular daycare clients it is very helpful if you keep your dog on a routine daycare schedule. Dogs thrive on routine. By coming on a specific day(s) each week, he will get to know his play buddies and truly become part of the pack. We may also make suggestions on days where he may “fit in” better. We may also suggest the number of days that you attend, though it is not required. Some dogs do fine once weekly, while other high energy dogs will need more. A dog who has had limited socialization will also benefit from multiple visits per week to learn proper socialization skills.

What records are required for my dog?
Puppies must have received the 2nd set of vaccines before the age of 12 weeks to attend daycare
All dogs over the age of 7 months must be spayed or neutered.
Dogs must be current on DHPP-2, Bordetella, and Rabies.
Dogs must be free of internal parasites by producing proof of a negative fecal once yearly.
Dogs must be on a regular effective form of flea control such as frontline or advantage.
Dogs must be in overall good health.